Monday, 24 October 2011

The evolution of Apple, Oat and Nutmeg Fairy Cakes

I’ve been in two minds on whether to publish this one as the fairy cakes came about during a moment of madness (or perhaps genius?!). Whilst moving house, I found lots of odd bits and bobs in the dried good boxes and fancying a bit of cake one afternoon (just for a change haha) I decided to tart up a basic batch of fairy cakes

For the most part, I am fairly confident with the traditional baking flavours combinations but sometimes the old brain cells go a little crazy and hence these apple and nutmeg cakes were born!

My first instinct flavour wise was more towards the warming spice cinnamon, as what goes better than apple and cinnamon? Though unfortunately I realised mid baking that I couldn't find said cinnamon, mainly as I had forgotten that I had lent it to my mum! I did however find some ground nutmeg and after holding the jar precariously above the mixing bowl debating its addition, I decided why not; its worth a shot, surely? Both are warming spices …

The second additional ingredient was some toasted oats. Prior to the fairy cake idea, I was thinking along the lines of something crumble-y though I didn’t have enough apple, but still fancied an apple/ oat mixture, mainly as anything with oats in it is highly appealing to me. And so also on a whim I quickly browned some rolled oats in the microwave, then promptly singed my fingers testing if they were in fact browned, yep they were! In case you try and repeat this stage, gloves are advisable!

And last but not least, going back to the earlier apple mention, I didn’t actually have any apples, just a jar of apple sauce that had also migrated with me and needed using up, so thinking it wouldn’t do any harm I added a few generous tablespoons to the bowl. Somewhere in the recesses of my mind I was quite sure I had noted a few American baking recipes involving apple sauce so its addition seemed fairly logical, compared to the nutmeg and oat additions...

Sixteen minutes later and a kitchen smelling rather mmm they were ready, and when just about cool enough to handle I tucked in. And then I remembered I am not actually that fond of nutmeg. It has its place don't get me wrong, though for me, in these cakes it wasn’t one of them. However, the girls at work and my mum really did enjoy them, so at least they were not a complete write off!

I shall be remaking these fairy cakes again, with the apple sauce, as it kept them moist, and the oats as their toastiness added another sort of nutty dimension to the mix but above all I will be definitely reclaiming the cinnamon from my mum!

Awful picture but custard is the saviour of all puddings I think!


  1. Well it sounds wonderful to me. I've been using ground all spice recently because I can't find my cinnamon either and I always forget in the supermarket!!

  2. Thanks Dom! Typically I found my friends had some much later on!


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