So here goes:
06/04/07 - Removed thighs, legs and wings, frozen individually, roasted remaining bird wrapped in bacon and stuffed with 1/2 an onion. Served with cabbage, potato & leek bake and sweetcorn, used approx half the breast meat, allowed to cool and wrapped up tightly in fridge. Also as the bacon was erm rather crispy after 2 hours cooking, instead of wasting it I crumbled it up and have frozen in a small bag - perfect next time I make soup or cauli cheese!
09/04/07 - Removed remaining breast and side meat and shredded, used 2/3 in dinner of sliced waxy organic potatoes sauteed in butter and olive oil, after 10 mins added sliced organic leeks and the chicken and covered with gravy, simmered for about 30 mins and seasoned with S&P and 1tsp dried sage, served with buttered par-bake baguette mmmm. Re-wrapped carcass and is in fridge. (made 4 portions, eaten by 2!)
10/04/07 - Chicken sandwich for lunch, planning to boil up carcass tonight to make stock, also to hopefully make chicken noodle soup for tomorrow nights meal...will report back!
11/04/07 - Well my dinner guest cancelled for tonight so didnt boil up the carcass, also problem as freezer is full so will have to be thrown away unfortunately. There is one handful of meat left though so that will be my dinner tonight!
3rd May 07
The wings got used tonight in the yoghurty chicken marinade, was advised they were very nice! (also mixed with a pack of chicken bought from butchers)
Whole Legs still in freezer...
20/05/07 - Legs used in Yoghurty Chicken Part Deux!
The Adventures are now over and body parts used! Reckon got 10 meals out of it so pretty good going! Wish had the chance to make the stock for yummy soup but a girl can't have everything!! Have discovered new dishes along the way and has been good fun!
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