Sorry I've been slacking - I had a good excuse though - I was very busy drinking Sangria watching the sunset over the mountains in Spain! Despite knowing most beverages fairly well, for some reason I had never overly tried Sangria before and towards the end of the holiday and not being put off it despite one of the guidebook descriptions I was pleasantly surprised - it was a little like pimms but sort of red winey too.. either way very refreshing after another busy day spent reading and lazing by the pool! The picture doesn't quite do it justice- was more fish bowl sized!!
Now I am back home (sob, sob!) Meal planning is back in swing, though I'm still on the FODMAP reintroduction phase which makes it essential in the form of planning but also hard as most things I want to eat are off limits and its hard to stay inspired at times!
This week is super busy - have a full week back at work along with planned cinema trips, friends over, other friend staying with us and a dreaded 2nd root canal treatment on Friday!!
Curried Corned beef hash, made with extra veg (basically using up some leftovers!) alongside some roasted marrow and carrots
Chorizo & Cheddar omelette, new potatoes, buttered Kale
Smoky tomato Slow cooked pork stew, rice
Sardine and pepper stir fry and rice noodles
(I have never had sardines and I am really unsure about them but need to boost up my calcium levels!)
Dentist in the afternoon... dinner will be most likely either involving porridge or gravy!