Thursday 22 March 2007

Anne's top ten of what not to do in the kitchen:

1) Leave tea towels or oven gloves on a electric hob
2) Never leave pyrex dishes on a electric hob and then pour cold water in
3) Attempt to make thai fish curry using expensive salmon and cod, certainly without a decent recipe first anyway
4) Make corned beef pasta bake. It ain't pretty!
5) Use tea towels to get hot things out of the oven, thats what your oven gloves are for
6) Drop knives
7) Place eggs in the side of the fridge and not in the actual holder
8) Place hard boiled eggs loose on the counter...bouncey bouncey..
9) Forget to use a colander when draining pasta
10) Leave wine in the icebox.
11) Use steak knives to bone and de-fat a lamb shoulder...
12) Squeeze citrus fruits when you have papercuts

Any more you think should be added? Just give me a shout! :-)

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