Recently, I was contacted by
mySupermarket about testing out their new money saving app called
mySuperList which covers the main supermarkets and several major retailers. At heart I am a bargain hunter and always shop comparing prices from small shops and the market, to large supermarkets, often researching via the internet beforehand (including the mySupermarket
website which I also love). However working shifts around the clock and facing life’s other challenges often gets in the way, it can be hard to find the time to shop around and still make savings. So I was very interested in finding out if we could actually save money at the supermarket and decided to put
mySuperList to the test.
Image Courtesey of mySuperList |
To give you a
little more background it’s not often I actually do one big shop anywhere –
mainly as I like to shop around and tend to stockpile things on offer (we have
enough washing powder until at least the middle of 2015!) but I normally keep a
paper list and scribble things down as we run out or when I think we need to do
the meal plan. I managed to club together a list to use last week when me and a
girlfriend went shopping. We are both bargain hunters together and often will
share offers, so she was keen to test out the app with me.
Having a list
and not going out whilst hungry or thirsty are two of the best tips for going
shopping without buying up the entire sweets aisle – so after tea and biscuits we quickly
downloaded the
mySuperList app onto C’s phone (my new one has since arrived
yay!) which is available on both
iPhone and
Android. My friend preferred to go over to Tesco, despite it being a bit further away however she had seen
a dress in the sale that she wanted to pick up!
I did mySuperList based on Sainsbury’s anyway as in the back of my mind
I thought we could always go on the way back instead as it is nearer home.
After typing
in and finding my items, Tesco came up as the more expensive option – however
after clicking into the actual comparison, it was because some of the items
were not comparable so it wasn't as clear.. After removing a few items and
following their tips on the Swap and Save feature I did manage to save a few pounds off my
shopping! I also had received some in-store vouchers in the post which further increased our
savings. I am sure on a bigger shop there would be more savings to be had via
checking on the app.
example items for cost comparisons where I saved money were –
UHT skimmed
milk was 8p cheaper in Tesco – 57p vs 65p at Sainsbury’s – I buy at least 4 at
a time so that’s 28p less a week! It all adds up when your rent goes up but
your pay doesn't! £1.12 per month as a saving approximately
porridge oats 75p per 1kg in Tesco, no equivalent in Sainsbury’s – their
cheapest option was £1.25 per kilo. so a saving of 50p – This is brilliant as I
eat a lot of porridge and make a lot of flapjacks!
Plain flour was
on offer at 90p in Tesco – however it suggested their value one – a saving of
45p. Again I bake a lot so go through easily 2-3 bags a month so approximately
a saving of £1.35 a month
Whilst I was
in there I managed to take advantage of some instore offers – including some
fab new Hello Kitty pyjamas in the sale for me and my friend got her dress, so
a worthwhile visit for us both! She also bought nearly all the same items as me
and was pleased with her savings!
Things I liked about mySuperList:
Swap and Save - It suggested how to
make things cheaper by down-branding items ‘Swap and Save’– I am no stranger to
value/ basic options anyway but it’s a handy reminder and interesting to see
what other options there are
Convenience: The app is quick to use, I
can make a list or even just compare prices for example on my break at work or
whilst waiting in the doctors surgery. Plus you can also check out online using
your phone if you prefer shopping online- so you can literally shop anywhere!
Informed: Regular emails advising how
to make the most of the app’s features – including scanning barcodes and how to
Swap and Save – great to make the most of it
In the right place: I have a terrible
habit of forgetting the list so having the list ready on the phone is very
Lists: I can make as many lists as I
want! Perfect for both small and large shops. I like lists. A lot. You can also
sync lists you’ve made on the site with the app and vice-versa. Listmania!
Major Retailers: I can compare my
shopping across several retailers as the touch of a button – at the moment
there is ALDI, Waitrose,ASDA, ocado, Morrisons, Tesco and Sainsbury’s.
Price alerts: You can set up price
alerts for items you might be coveting – I.e the treat bottle of wine or
chocolate you have your eye on and it will tell you when the price changes to
at least 30% off. This is the time to buy!
Being nosey: You can see how the price
has changed on the item over the course of the year, handy if you are
increasingly surprised at spending more but getting less!
Things I didn’t like about mySuperList:
Finding certain deals - I got stuck
trying to find other ‘butchers choice’ bacon in the ‘2 for £4.50’ deal on the
app but found it in store easily.
Lack of some normal items - There didn't
seem to have a price comparison option for other retailers – in particular for Kitchen
foil - it showed me the cheap one in Tesco at 56p -I had to manually search for
Sainsbury’s separately – which did indeed show Sainsbury’s basics one at £1.08
– obviously at half the price I bought two whilst in Tesco!
Differing pack sizes - Whilst its not
the app’s fault sometimes it can’t find items as they are in different pack
sized in different retailers – in particular the fruit n fibre cereal I buy every
week and this applies to the main website too…… I’ve been told that you can
scan items to compare using the app, so maybe this will help next time I use
it. . I will let you know!
No Deli choices - I actually like going
in-store (except weekends!), especially to my local Sainsbury’s as I love their
Spanish green olives off the deli – this applies to the random slices of
salami’s I buy. (note: you can’t get this online anyway!)
The Verdict:
Overall with
having had only a brief play with it, scanning items which I am yet to try and I
am still getting my head around the settings, I like it so far and will carry
on exploring, especially as I have now installed the app on my new phone!
I am very good at wandering around aimlessly in supermarkets up and down the aisles, as I
quite like picking things up and putting them down again, as my mum often says
but when time is not on my side the app comes into its own as I can focus better!
It’s also great to
have a practical app that will help us keep on top of our household budget and hopefully
pick up a few bargains too!
I will keep
you updated regularly with my savings via my
twitter feed too.
Here are the links for downloading mySuperList:
Disclaimer: This post was written in conjunction with mySupermarket and all work remains the property of Anne's Kitchen. I received expenses to cover my time and expertise however my this does not affect my opinion and all views are my own.