Monday 13 January 2014

Monday Meal Plan..with a makeover!

Well we have a whole new week ... a semi-whole new menu (some of last week's rolled over) and a whole new look! I had been meaning to have a proper clean up and re-prettifying for ages but life gets in the way and brain gets forgetful ...but somehow a fellow friend and blogger Jac kindly kicked me in the right direction and designed me a brand new logo, and I've given it a new background after several hours messing around with many different colour's, uploaded photos and themes! I so deserve a nice pint of ale right now!! I hope you like it!!

Last week in recap - flew by! Worked a mixture of days and nights... Highlight was meeting our friends gorgeous new teeny weeny baby boy!! Food wise was very good - we made several new dishes - including the Creamy Sweet Potato and Bacon spaghetti became linguine, and it was soo delicious! Will blog it very soon for you! The flavour's were amazing together and was craving it afterwards!

The Beef kofta curry also very good, despite having to sub the yoghurt for creme fraiche as the flooding is awful in our area and I didn't want to venture out - also to be blogged! I have a queue forming of posts! The only dish not made was the risotto..which moves on to this week...

Thai Turkey curry with sesame sweet potato chunks 
Turkey and Leek risotto (though this is for B - I am off out!)
Arrancini with tomato sauce and sauteed cabbage
Sicilian Squash with couscous
Either chilli con carne or burritos

As always my meal plan is joining Mrs M's Meal Planning Monday party!

Have a great week everyone - do let me know what you think of my makeover! 


1 comment:

  1. Turkey and leek risotto sounds lovely - you've just reminded me I have some leeks to use up :)


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