I am a self confessed snacker, and pretty much have always been. Working shifts can play havoc with my appetite, which I also use as some justification to the amount of chocolate and snacky things that end up in my basket, much to the chagrin of my dentist! Despite managing to eat quite full meals I still manage to snack my way through the day happily on whatever is quick and easy, varying from rice cakes to secret stashes of fudge!
However I am always on the lookout for more healthier snacks and recently I was contacted by The Nutribox about trying one of their boxes of healthy snacks - it didn't take me long to reply yes please! Its a very easy to use site - you simply choose your box size, and whether you want it at the beginning or middle of the month either as a one off or on subscription. Each box is packed full of a mixture of fruit and nut selections, snacky bars and even treats such as chocolate!
My box had a mix of raw chocolate bars, snack bars and dried fruit and nut mixes - and all are delicious so far!
The first product I tried was an 'Choc Crisp Energy Bomb', during a recent night shift. Normally by about 5am I feel myself flagging and the blood sugar depleting, and so I tucked into it at about 5.15am and waited to see...by 7.30am I felt sorry for my patients because I was very perky and still full of beans! The only downside was realising I had eaten it a little too close to the end of my shift and then had to sleep...! Will time it better next time! I was surprised how much natural energy it gave me and how well it kept me alert, in comparison to my usual strong black coffee!
I've also had a few nibbles of the 'Ombar' dark chocolate, with hints of cranberry and mandarin. Its delicious, smooth but nicely bitter and despite my initial wariness following my revulsion at eating some raw cacao a few years back at a food festival, this was a very pleasant surprise! You only need a small piece to to feel that lovely chocolatey buzz, so my dentist might be more happier next time....!
One of my fruit mixes was pleasingly called 'Hot Cross Bun' and consists of sultanas, cranberries and hazlenuts, which is a delicious little snack mix.
Many thanks to The Nutribox for my box, its delicious and very useful!